BLACK FRIDAY BONUSES! 🎉(Available Through Cyber Monday)

BLACK FRIDAY BONUSES! 🎉 (Available Through Cyber Monday)


1,507+ students. Countless lives changed.

Will you be next?

Unlock the Prosperity Code: An Exclusive Workshop to Elevate Your Success, Amplify Your Abundance, and Master Personal Freedom.

Unlock the Prosperity Code: An Exclusive Workshop to Elevate Your Success, Amplify Your Abundance, and Master Personal Freedom.

Join Kisma for this special Live Workshop to unlock your true potential, create lasting prosperity, and achieve the freedom you've always desired."

LIVE WORKSHOP: Thursday, April 4th

9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern

You'll also receive the replay and bonuses inside Illumination Academy™

There's a reason you landed on this page. You understand that every successful person knows that MINDSET is a key to sustainable and profitable success. You are also aware that there are beliefs that keep you from an elite mindset and you are ready to go deeper.

The Prosperity Workshop™ will be life changing as you'll finally realize how to stop being a captive of your mind.  I'm going to take you deeper into your own Belief System...a place where most people never go.  

I'll share with you the science behind working with the Laws of the Universe and the prosperity belief tool that will instantly shift any limiting belief in seconds...and shift paradigms that have been holding you back.

You’ve worked hard at mindset because everyone knows it's important...

...yet you wake up suddenly in the middle of the night— worried if you can sustain your current business, success and lifestyle. 

You’ve thought about silent meditation, try to journal, and even learn about the Law of Attraction.

All of that can be cool, but there's a part of you that KNOWS what you seek is already here and you want INSTANT ACCESS to the knowledge and tools at all times.

You’ve thought about taking some kind of a life sabbatical...(or you often feel like you just want to check out)

...but you know that successful people access the ancient tools at ALL times and navigate life confidently— regardless of where they are and what's going on. If you want rapid state shifts for success, you are in the right place.


If you have found this page, you are probably the type of person that realizes you're meant for bigger and better things, but can't quite see the 'how'. You're now ready to understand who were born to be before years of programming buried the best version of you...

You want a simple tool to identify and CLEAR your #1 Limiting Belief without spending years on therapy, personal development, psychedelics, or being frustrated at a lack of results. 

(And you want to use this tool again and again.)

I'm Kisma, Your Prosperity Code™ Mentor, and I got you covered.

I've got an important question for you...

What would be different if you understood how to tap into the silent force within for boundless energy,  confidence and certainty? 

How would life change if you knew how to work with the natural Laws of the Universe to create infinite prosperity easily, naturally, and even scientifically, every single day of your life?

Sound too good to be true?

Hang tight. I'm about to show you exactly how.

Here’s what is unique with The Prosperity Workshop™...

If you want to create a ignite PROSPERITY in any area of your life, you must quickly and confidently identify a limiting belief that is stopping you. You'll learn how to do this during The Prosperity Workshop™.

That means… you’ll have an exact tool kit to use at any time on any day, so that you never feel like your mind is taking you captive by thoughts of not enough-ness, unworthiness, doubt, or worry. You'll be free to reach and sustain your goals.

I'll share with you a specific process that will easily and successfully help you to dissolve the strongest limiting belief at any point in time... using my unique and ancient tool from The Prosperity Code™. 

Access to this kind of energy is highly sought after and cannot be placed in the wrong hands.

...and that's where The Limitless Belief Builder™ changes everything...

When you know how to use the The Limitless Belief Builder Process™ , you’ll open a FLOOD of Prosperity in ANY area of your life—more confident leadership, healthier relationships, more money in your bank account, plus potent spiritual power.

The best part is you'll work less and achieve way more... and feel confident and excited about your future in business and in life. 

And  you'll even have a contagious magnetism that attracts increasing amounts of success, abundance, and rapid achievements in your business and life... in fact— unimaginable up until NOW.

The Limitless Belief Builder™ isn't some typical relaxation app or mindfulness technique...

I had to travel many countries to find the True Teachers and share the knowledge with my advanced clients and students. These tools unlock the gifts within and I want to share them with you now...

 See, there is a series of undeniable laws of the universe that are here to free you from agitation and stress, and open up a supply to unlimited prosperity.

Plus, most humans will never access —let alone KNOW— how to tap into their silent inner spiritual power within. 

But, there is a small core, a group of humans on this planet who are ready to breathe a new air, realize a higher potential for achievement, love more deeply, and most importantly, make a significant impact on the planet.... this you?

I knew my mission was to help people understand what it was like to work WITH prosperous thought and the Laws of the Universe, rather than struggle and force their success.

You don't have to spend the years and circle the planet 10 times, you can access the advanced technology and science right here and right now with me.

Attend Your Choice Of 12/2 or 12/4 + Get Lifetime Access To The Recordings

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

The Limitless Belief Builder™...

A Vibrational Shift that creates a centered calm and magnetic confidence.

An Energetic Mechanism that scientifically changes your vibration in an instant.

A Spiritual Toolbox that increases focus and ignites prosperous and abundant consciousness..

My clients have used The Limitless Belief Builder™ to…

Turn $65K/year private coaching business to half a million a year business.

Reach new expanded income goals, all the while realizing their purpose and passion for a TRUE lifestyle business.

Quit the job that held them captive and more than doubled revenue in their copywriting business.

Closed a $50 million dollar deal and aligned with the top leaders in finance.

Started their own consulting business and became the in-demand sales trainer in their industry.


Discover How to Ignite Limitless Beliefs for Boundless Prosperity and Success with The Prosperity Workshop™.

Join Kisma for the coveted and secret teachings for sustainable modern day success.

PArt #1

Belief Identification Process

Learn how to expertly identify a deep-seeded belief that has held you captive and keeps you from achieving more with ease. [This may shock you and it should.]


Activate the Limitless Belief Builder

You'll learn the exact Universal Law and Energy to activate in order to immediately CLEAR your #1 Limiting Belief at that moment. This will change your life forever.


Awaken to Complete Certainty

You'll have self-certainty no matter what.  Being held captive of your mind is no longer an option. This is the moment you discover what Self-Mastery is and what to do to embody it in ALL areas of your life.


 When your Belief System is upgraded, you will navigate the world with way more ease and experience "centered awareness'.

Don't think for a moment that I am some weird "woo" person that only talks about thinking and waiting around for the universe to bring you something...

...that's unfair. 

When you tap into the forces that exist within you and around you, you play and live at a NEW LEVEL. It's the energy and state of being that all highly and successful, happy and loving people know— but haven't been able to put into a system.

You'll be inspired to take action and partner with the universal intelligent space to realize your biggest dreams and to be, do, and have in a way that continues to ANCHOR SUCCESS ENERGY.

You realize that your business, relationships, and career are only as potent and successful as your personal and spiritual growth.

You are the architect of your life and you now will have a tool box of the exact teachings and processes that create Self-Mastery.

Here’s what our amazing clients have to say about working with Kisma...


Discover how to unlock your true potential, create lasting prosperity , and achieve the freedom you've always desired.

Join Kisma for the coveted and secret teachings for sustainable modern day success.

LIVE: Thursday, April 4th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern

You'll also receive the replay and bonuses inside Illumination Academy™

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the workshop within 7 days, we will offer you a full refund.

Here's everything that's included:

We'll be hosting this virtual workshop LIVE on December 4th at 9am PT / 12 Noon ET.


The workshop will run ~2.5 hours. Join us on Friday - plus get LIFETIME access to the recordings!

  • The Belief Identification Process ™ (value $1111)

  • Activate The Limitless Belief Builder™ (value $1111)

  • ​Awaken to Self Mastery for a Magnificent Life (value priceless)

  • ​BONUS: The Scarcity Cleanse 2.0  (value $528)

  • BONUS: Workshop Recordings inside Illumination Academy™

  • BLACK FRIDAY BONUS #1: TWO Group Coaching Sessions With Jim & Lucas To Get Direct Feedback & Guidance (value $397)

  • BLACK FRIDAY BONUS #2: Access To A Pop Up Coaching Group For Even MORE Support (value $197)  

Total Value: $2,750

Total Value: $1,506

Today's Price: Just $37

** Early-bird pricing expires Friday... **

** Thursday 12/3 is the LAST DAY to save your seat**

Dive into your bonuses immediately so that your vibe matches your dreams. 

I love giving a complete formula based on science and spirituality.


Kisma's 33 Prosperity Commands e-book - you are with yourself 24-7, its time you talked to yourself in a prosperous way.


The Scarcity Cleanse 2.0  - When someone around you starts talking scarcity and lack, your subconscious mind can absorb it. Toss in any of your money stuff and a good cleanse is in order. Energy is everything.

🔸Brand new clearing by Kisma🔸


Lifetime access to Prosperity Workshop recordings inside Illumination Academy™.

Every layer you uncover elevates your prosperity and abundance. No you can expand your consciousness on demand any time you want.

 Immediately Identify and CLEAR Your #1 Limiting Belief for a Life Changing Mindset...

And finally, work less, achieve more, and create unimaginable prosperity in ALL ways—wealth, love, leadership, and spiritual power.

Join Us LIVE (Virtually) On 9/29 or 9/30
+ Get Lifetime Recording Access

I love The Limitless Belief Builder™ because it changed the way I grew my business and prosperity, for good.

Hi there, I'm Kisma, Your Prosperity Code™ Mentor 

And I'm "practical woo."

Yep, you read that right. 

I have built multiple successful businesses and shaped my life by working with the natural and scientific laws of the universe...

...and studying at an Ashram in India. 

Learning the tools of behavior and influence, coaching and mindset from the absolute best in the world.

My gift to the planet is I merge the science and the spirituality in a way that makes life hum with enthusiasm, abundance, confidence, and certainty.

What I have ALWAYS known (and been able to access and implement) is that we have a silent spiritual power within.

It is the essence of intuition and alignment that creates calm and focus, abundance and success.

I want every entrepreneur and career professional leader to have the Tool Box that creates a LIMITLESSNESS in their belief structure.

You might call this the ultimate path to Self-Mastery.

It's why I'm here sharing The Prosperity Workshop that includes the tools and techniques that will help you identify your #1 limiting belief and turn that sucker into LIMITLESSNESS.

It's all there for you and I can't wait to unlock the door to your prosperity.



 Immediately Identify and CLEAR Your #1 Limiting Belief for a Life Changing Mindset... less, achieve more, and create unimaginable prosperity in ALL ways.

Here's everything that's included:

  • The Belief Identification Process ™ (value $1111)

  • ​​Activate The Limitless Belief Builder™ (value $1111)

  • ​Awaken to Self Mastery for a Magnificent Life (value priceless)

  • ​BONUS: The Scarcity Cleanse Clearing (value $528)

  • ​BONUS: Lifetime Access to Recordings

  • BLACK FRIDAY BONUS #1: TWO Group Coaching Sessions With Jim & Lucas To Get Direct Feedback & Guidance (value $397)

  • BLACK FRIDAY BONUS #2: Access To A Pop Up Coaching Group For Even MORE Support (value $197)  

Total Value: $2,750

Today's Price: Just $37

** Thursday 12/3 is the LAST DAY to save your seat**

7-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send an email anytime within 7 days of purchase and get all your money back... no questions asked.

LIVE WORKSHOP: Thursday, April 4th

9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern

You'll also receive the replay and bonuses inside Illumination Academy™

After The Prosperity Workshop™, you’ll be ready to immediately:


Get clear on what you really want and manifest it rapidly.


Raise your vibration so you resonate with success, achievement, and wealth.


Deal (instantly) with any and all limiting beliefs that percolate and try to hold you back.


Show up to life with a new level of confidence and even magnetism, because you KNOW who you truly are.


Work with the Laws of the Universe for abundant consciousness and focused mindset for success.


Shift to calm at any point in time. You'll have the essence of a truly magnetic and successful person.


Achieve more goodness in your life and access your silent spiritual power within.

It’s how I was able to build a 7 figure coaching business and continue to travel, speak, and study.

Belief is everything. You'll discover what you've been leading with up until now, and what needs to change.

The old way of solving limiting beliefs takes years of digging and processing. The Limitless Belief Builder™ is rapid and can be used as a daily tool.

Beliefs, mindset, energy are all part of the whole. When you go through The Prosperity Workshop™, you are on your way to Self-Mastery.

And I want that for you too.

So if you want to achieve more while doing less and ignite a prosperous mindset and energy within so that you manifest your dreams ASAP…

Click below to join me, Kisma on The Prosperity Workshop™.

7-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send an email anytime within 7 days of purchase and get all your money back... no questions asked.

Have questions? I’ve got answers…

When's the workshop? How long is it?

What if I can't attend live?

When's the workshop?

The Simple + Scalable Groups Workshop is happening TWICE:

Session 1: Wednesday, December 2nd @ 12pm PT (~2.5hrs)

Session 2: Friday, December 4th @ 9am PT (~2.5hrs)

You're more than welcome to attend both sessions, but you don't have to - we'll be covering the same information both times. Both will be hosted virtually on Zoom.

What if I can't attend live?

Although, we'd love all to attend live, we know that it won't be possible for everyone.

LIFETIME access to the workshop recordings is included with every ticket.

We want to help as many thought leaders as possible - even if they can't attend live AND we want all attendees to be able to revisit the training whenever they'd like.

Will this work for my niche?

Will I be able to ask questions?

Will this work for my niche?

Everything we teach in simple + scalable groups works for ALL niches in the coaching & consulting space...

Including: health & wellness, business, wealth, spirituality, personal development, relationships & so many more.

You'll develop a Unique Approach™ & curriculum for your signature group coaching program based on exactly how you help your 1:1 clients right now.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Of course! We're here to support you in getting your group out there as easily & quickly as possible. 

Your ticket will include LIVE Q&A sessions.

They'll happen during each workshop day. You're welcome to attend both days! 

There will also be additional opportunities to get direct support - stay tuned! 

Will I have access to The Prosperity Workshop™ replay?

Yes indeed! You'll have the Prosperity Workshop™ plus your bonuses all in one nice pod inside Illumination Academy™. Videos are downloadable as well.

I've tried meditation and it doesn't seem to work for me.

I hear you. Meditation is an arrival, one that many of us will need a bit of time to calm our minds. You will realize that it is a lot easier to be guided in a clearing with The Scarcity Cleanse 2.0™. Use it as often as you wish.

What is unique about The Prosperity Workshop? Why now?

Kisma has a powerful ability to merge the advanced spiritual practices of great teachers and grounded practical application so that you can have instant results—calm, confident, prosperous and abundant energy and mindset.

What are the Universal Laws anyway?

The Universe is a mysterious place. And it is governed by a set of natural laws that are vibratory just as the universe is. Since you are a vibrational being, working with the laws is essential for your prosperity in all ways of life.

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