Live Workshop Wednesday, June 26th at 9am Pacific

Brand New Online Manifesting Workshop with Kisma, CEO, Illumination Academy™ Prosperity Coach

Master Universal Laws to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

The Secret to Manifesting Lies Within You and Your Access to Universe. This Training Will Show You the Spirituality and Science Behind Manifesting.

Thursday, August 22nd at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern

Whether you want to fulfill your personal or professional goals, increase your income, ignite your spiritual power, or even achieve your deepest purpose this year… Kisma will give you the time tested spiritual teachings and skills you’ve been seeking to create the future you’ve always wanted.

Live Workshop Happens:

Thursday, August 22nd

4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern




During this Live 90-Minute Workshop with KISMA, you'll discover:

  • The Universal Code Matrix “Secret Formula” for working with the Universal Laws directly.

  • Kisma’s Ancient ‘Spiritual Principles’: A step-by-step Formula for Manifesting Rapidly Without Stress or Fear of Being Disappointed.

  • How To Work With The Universal Laws – rather than against them— which most people are doing now—so you can set your intentions, ask for what you want, & enjoy more love, success, and abundance in life.

  • Straight Talk Manifesting! Ever feel like you are missing the piece of the puzzle? Or it's just too "woo" for you? Kisma will help you see how you've already attracted things into your life, and to lean into the scientific process behind manifesting.

  • How to identify and eliminate the biggest Limiting Beliefs and Blocks that are holding you back from the success you desire & deserve… Quickly & Easily!

  • Proven and time tested teachings and tools to get CLEAR on what you want, and who you need to be to attract it. It's like having a new Divine Operating System.

  • EXACTLY how you can make the rest of 2024 the most abundant & successful year of your life ... by using the Boundless Belief Process™ so that your beliefs finally match your goals.

  • Your Manifesting Workbook, Replay, Guided Hypnosis, and much, much more!




If You're Finally Ready to Learn the True Secret to Manifesting, and Apply it Every Single Day, You've Found Your Universe.

I know you've experienced random attractions or wins in your life. You probably wondered, "How did I do that?!" I know how, and I'm going to share with you the Universal Code Matrix to manifesting.

Is it "woo"? Heck yeah. Is it Science? Even more, heck yeah! Because we are at a time on the planet when we need to realize who we are and what we have access to.

This happens by working WITH the Universal Laws, rather than against them as most people do.

The greatest thinkers of all time have understood that the mind is a source of power, and they have used it to connect with Universal Mind- this creates a resonance- the Law of Vibration.

When you BECOME that resonance and vibration, you will find it way easier to manifest a life that you love.

Most people will never look into this way of living and creating. They don't even know it exists. I'm not sure why, but it's sad.

As well, if people do not discover the merger of the spiritual principles and the science behind manifesting, they might actually repel their abundance, rather than attract it.

If you arrived here, on this page, it's very likely your Soul brought you here, nudged you forward to expand your business, life, or create a more connected relationship.

I'm thrilled to work with you and to walk you through the Science of Manifesting. Get ready, because your life is about to change in ways you never thought possible!

Kisma is a highly sough-after spiritual and personal development coach, speaker, podcaster, and a gifted teacher, helping people access their spiritual power and live from a powerful calm center. For more than a decade, she’s been teaching people how to create the life and abundance they truly desire.

As CEO of Illumination Academy™, she guides clients who are coaches, authors, career professionals, doctors, lawyers, multi- business owners, and even millionaires and billionaires, find the true center of their best self.

Her formula for merging spiritual power with material success, means that each of her clients can access a powerful calm, and live a life that truly matters— without stress.

In this Brand New 90 Minute Workshop, Kisma will be sharing with you the Universal Code Matrix for Manifesting™, The Boundless Belief Process™ and the Spiritual Principles for Success.

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Sign up Now and Discover the Science Behind Manifesting the Life You Truly Desire.

Master Coach and Spiritual Guide

Transform Your Life Now

"Every time we work with Kisma, magic happens" - Dr Sabine Purps

Teacher of Abundance Alchemy™

Creating Abundance Every Day


Creator & Speaker, Prosperity Code Live™

Where Prosperity is Possible

"Kisma changed my life in ways I never thought would be possible." Neriman Sagar, Consultant

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