Live Workshop Wednesday, June 26th at 9am Pacific

Attention: Entrepreneurs, Career Professionals, Attorneys, Doctors, and Newbies

Would You Like to Know The Exact Formula To...


Even if the Law of Attraction has never worked for you or you've never tried to manifest before.

"I use Kisma's formula to manifest a new relationship and move to the perfect location for my career and amazing life."


3 Types of Manifesters- Which Group are YOU in?

The topic of manifesting has gotten far too complicated. There are people astral projecting and taking psychedelic drugs just to try and manifest some changes in their lives. 

In fact, if you asked the average person what manifesting actually is, you’ll get such a mix of responses that you’ll probably walk away more confused than when you started. 

Manifesting is simple.

Manifesting is the process of bringing the intangible (thoughts, dreams, goals) into a tangible, lived experience. 

There are countless ways to do this. As many ways as people. 

I’ve broken it down to 3 basic categories. Which group are you in? 

Category #1: Magical thinkers. These people watched The Secret and truly believe that if you just think about what you want enough, and feel good feelings, it will magically appear in your life. This often works well for small things like parking spots, but when it comes to larger life goals, these people tend to spend a lot of time procrastinating, “waiting until it feels right” while their goals sit just out of reach. They haven’t learned how to bridge the gap from small, immediate goals to shaping their lives with intention. 

Category #2: Work hard. Then work harder. I admire these people. They are disciplined and aren’t afraid of doing the work. However they often confuse manifesting for "positive thinking." They also tend to reject things that come easily thinking it must be a trap or “waiting for the other shoe to drop.” These people are also very prone to burnout. Exhausted trying to keep pushing and trying to control the process.

Category #3: “Sort of” manifesters. These are the most interesting people, in my opinion. They have read the books and applied the teachings. And achieved some success. They recognize the folly of magical thinking, and also the value of taking positive action to achieve their goals. They’ve had some wonderful successes, and also some epic failures and frustrations. Deep down, they know that there is something to the whole “Manifesting” thing, but haven’t found a repeatable formula that works for them. 

They achieve what I call “Sort of Success.” 

There is also a 4th type that I didn’t mention because there are so few in this category. They are the elite manifesters.

This small group follows the ancient teachings, creating with intention every day. Things don’t always turn out exactly as they planned. Often it’s even better. And their paths are not free from obstacles. In fact, those very obstacles open new doors they never could have imagined. 

From the outside looking in, we might see them as “lucky.” Nothing seems to stress them out or get them down. They’re very grounded. Focused, but light. And they have this inner confidence that no matter what comes their way, they can handle it. 

They have unshakable confidence because they know the formula for working with the Universal Laws. 

They’re not hoping to achieve their goals. They know it’s done. 

These are not just skilled manifesters. They are extraordinary human beings. Filled with light and joy. 

And the most fascinating thing about these people is not the extraordinary results they achieve with seemingly little effort...

The most fascinating thing is that everyone has this ability. Everyone. 

Sadly, very few are able to unlock this ability and put it to use in their lives.

Many don’t believe it’s even real (this probably isn’t you if you’re reading this). They are confused about where to start- tried too many times and failed- too distracted with life to focus their effort

I’d like to solve that for you. 

You could say that I am obsessed with The Science of Manifesting. I’ve read every book I can get my hands on. I've traveled the world to sit at the feet of gurus/ I’ve studied ancient teachings. And I’ve taken dozens of courses. 

I found the common threads that work consistently, and I’ve weeded out all the fluff and filler (the things that eat away at peoples time and slows them down.) 

I’ve found the missing pieces. The things that no one really talks about anymore- I assure you, the ancient masters knew, and they would never have left these pieces out. 

I’ve distilled it all into a simple, repeatable formula that will move you out of stuck, stagnant cycles- and even reverse downward spirals- into an ever increasing flow of abundance. 

This might not be for you if you’re in category 1 or 2 above. But if you’re in category 3 and you want to start making significant strides toward category 4 (the elite) this is for you. 

It’s simple to get started. I put together a 90-minute workshop called "The Science of Manifesting" that teaches you the formula and guides you through the steps while filling in the gaps of other teachings and methods. 

When you think about what it’s worth in your life to be able to affect meaningful change, and bring your thoughts and dreams into reality, this is the most priceless skill anyone could have. 

Even though it’s something that ANYONE can do, very few are the sort of people who will make the commitment to themselves to learn the formula to be truly effective. 

If that seems like a worthy goal for you, I invite you to get started with The Science of Manifesting. You’ll get lifetime access to the training (there are lessons and clearings, and even a hypnosis that you can use daily to align with your goals and intentions) 

And if for some reason this course isn’t what you wanted, I’ve got a money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

Whether you want to fulfill your personal or professional goals, increase your income, ignite your spiritual power, or even achieve your deepest purpose this year… Kisma will give you the time tested spiritual teachings and skills you’ve been seeking to create the future you’ve always wanted.

The secret to manifesting lies within you and your access to Universe. This training will show you the exact formula to manifest your desires with more ease and effectiveness than ever before.




During this 90-Minute Workshop with KISMA, you'll discover:

  • The Universal Code Matrix- my proven framework that makes using the Universal Laws clear and simple, so you can relax and focus on manifesting your highest vision.

  • The 3 most common mistakes that keep people stuck and struggling. You'll learn how to avoid these common pitfalls, so you can bypass years of trial and error.

  • Discover your unique manifesting style. You'll be able to see how you've already created successful manifestations, and fine tune your unique process to manifest more of what you want without attracting what you don't want. It's like having a new Divine Operating System.

  • Guided Hypnosis to program yourself to achieve your goals rapidly. You'll be able to set clear intentions, take confident action, and enjoy more love, success, and abundance in any area of your life.

  • How to identify and eliminate the biggest Limiting Beliefs and Blocks

    that are holding you back from the success you desire & deserve… Quickly & Easily!

  • Boundless Belief Process™ so that you can open your mind to opportunities you may have never considered possible and find new inspiration & enthusiasm for the rest of 2024 and beyond. Magic happens when your beliefs finally match your goals.

  • Kisma’s Ancient ‘Spiritual Principles’: Guidelines that will keep you on track every day for manifesting without stress, burnout, frustration, or disappointment.

  • Your Manifesting Workbook to guide you step-by-step.

  • Lifetime Access to Workshop & Archival Recordings in your Illumination Academy library, where you can access them anytime you need to re-focus, or simply peel back another layer.

  • And much, much more!

This is Straight Talk Manifesting that even skeptics can't dispute! If you ever feel like you are missing the piece of the puzzle. Or that "manifesting" is just too "woo" for you, you will love my down-to-earth, action-oriented approach. This methodology has been successfully used by doctors, lawyers, corporate executives and business owners for decades. It will work for you too...

If You're Finally Ready to Learn the True Secret to Manifesting, and Apply it Every Single Day to Manifest Exactly What You Want, You're in the Right Place.

I know you've experienced random attractions or wins in your life. You probably wondered, "How did I do that?!" I know how and I'm going to share with you the Universal Code Matrix to manifesting.

Is it "woo"? Heck yeah. Is it Science? Even more, heck yeah! Because we are at a time on the planet when we need to realize who we are and what we have access to.

This happens by working WITH the Universal Laws, rather than against them as most people do.

The greatest thinkers of all time have understood that the mind is a source of power, and they have used it to connect with Universal Mind- this creates a resonance- the Law of Vibration.

When you BECOME that resonance and vibration, you will find it way easier to manifest a life that you love.

Most people will never look into this way of living and creating. They don't even know it exists. I'm not sure why, but it's sad.

As well, if people do not discover the merger of the spiritual principles and the science behind manifesting, they might actually repel their abundance, rather than attract it.

If you arrived here, on this page, it's very likely your Soul brought you here, nudged you forward to expand your business, life, or to create a more connected relationship.

I'm thrilled to work with you and to walk you through the Science of Manifesting. Get ready, because your life is about to change in ways you never thought possible!

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Kisma is a highly sough-after spiritual and personal development coach, speaker, podcaster, and a gifted teacher, helping people access their spiritual power and live from a powerful calm center. For more than a decade, she’s been teaching people how to create the life and abundance they truly desire.

As CEO of Illumination Academy™, she guides clients who are coaches, authors, career professionals, doctors, lawyers, multi- business owners, and even millionaires and billionaires, find the true center of their best self.

Her formula for merging spiritual power with material success, means that each of her clients can access a powerful calm, and live a life that truly matters— without stress.

In this Brand New 90 Minute Workshop, Kisma will be sharing with you the Universal Code Matrix for Manifesting™, The Boundless Belief Process™ and the Spiritual Principles for Success.

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Sign up Now and Discover the Science Behind Manifesting the Life You Truly Desire.

Master Coach and Spiritual Guide

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