Forget the messy glue and torn up magazines:  Create a Vision Board that Really Works with "The Magic Slide Deck™" in just a few minutes.

✨ The Magic Slide Deck™ ✨

This is your key to creating a powerful vision board that goes with you anywhere so you can manifest your dream life. 

If you want to:

  • Develop a crystal clear vision for your most important dreams and goals

  • ​Supercharge your manifestation abilities

  • ​Have a simple, clean vision board you can open up any time any where

  • Be able to update your vision board with total ease as your vision expands

  • ​Manifest rapidly using Science and Vision Board.

  But you don't want to:

  • End up with a hodge-podge messy vision board that falls apart while it collects dust

  • ​Have to make a whole new vision board every time you level-up and check something off your list

  • ​Make a mess of glue and cut-up magazines 

  • ​Only be able to access your vision board in one place

If you want to:

  • Develop a crystal clear vision for your most important dreams and goals

  • ​Supercharge your manifestation abilities

  • ​Have a simple, clean vision board you can open up any time any where

  • Be able to update your vision board with total ease as your vision expands

  • ​Manifest rapidly using Science and Vision Board.

  But you don't want to:

  • End up with a hodge-podge messy vision board that falls apart while it collects dust

  • ​Have to make a whole new vision board every time you level-up and check something off your list

  • ​Make a mess of glue and cut-up magazines 

  • ​Only be able to access your vision board in one place

Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs and Take a Prosperous Leap into Your Bigger Future. 

Be one of the first to join this Virtual Coaching Program

AND Take Advantage of our 

Register NOW for Early Bird Pricing and Save $400!
Only $97 today! (that's just ONE payment)

AND you don't know how:

😕 How to decide what goes on your vision board exactly
🤯 How to structure your vision board for maximum impact and programming your subconscious mind
😩 How to use your vision board to get real results, instead if haphazard manifestations that seem to take forever to show up.

If this sounds familiar...

...and you want a clear, proven system to create a Vision Board That Really Works without spending hours with glue and tape only to wind up with an underwhelming vision board that doesn't inspire you...

Then this is for you.

Introducing... The Magic Slide Deck™

Here's exactly what you'll get:

Completely customizable slide deck ready to plug and play. 
Flexible formats allow you to use your software of choice (Powerpoint, Keynote, or Canva)

Proven slide structure with embedded instructions and suggestions designed to ignite your magnificent imagination and harness the power of your sub-conscious mind. 
You'll have a Vision Board That Really Works in record time.

Embedded with sacred geometric codes and powerful commands to help you supercharge your manifestation skills and create a beautiful, inspiring and activating vision board. 

Plus This Limited Bonus:

The Magnetic Manifestation Meditation

This guided visualization process will supercharge your manifestations.

Not only will it help you in creating your own Magic Slide Deck, when you use this meditation along with your slides, it activates a powerful energetic resonance between you and your vision.

Every day you will build more confidence and certainty as you harness the power of your subconscious mind. Download to any device and listen anytime, anywhere.

Here's a Secret I Discovered Accidentally...

I kept "seeing" my goals and doing the work that I was taught to do...
I was getting results, but intuitively knew I was missing something.

And this 'missing KEY' is a simple Magic Slide Deck™— way to connect my vision to the real world anytime I needed with total ease. 

This is the difference between casual manifesting and Self-Mastery manifesting.

You are the architect of your life.

Now you get to understand the power you have and how to harness the laws of the universe to shape your reality.
Enjoy your Magic Slide Deck™. 

You can copy it and swap out images whenever you want. The most important thing is is utilizes the science of the brain (imagery) and spirituality (manifesting).

When I began to understand the merger of SCIENCE and Spirituality, everything changed in my life...(for the better)

...and at first, I didn't think it would work!

It was the EXACT KNOWLEDGE that I needed to tip into a 7-figure business without the hustle and stress that so many entrepreneurs are going through today.

This one simple tool helped my CEO's and Career Professional Clients get BONUSES, PROMOTIONS, and be IMPACTFUL LEADERS.

  Now - before I tell you about it, please know I'm not telling you about that 7-figure thing as a way to make some sort of income claim. 

I'm only telling you about it because it's something that worked exceptionally well for me, my clients (still does) ...and I want you to test it in your life, career, relationships, and business.

I think you'll be thrilled when you do.

It Was Almost TWO Years Ago Today ...

Someone exceptionally important in my life and business passed away. It left me feeling absolutely alone, scared, and wondering if I could continue the success he had helped me create...

...if I had a purpose that would be impactful for others.

And if I could actually ACCESS the knowledge, tools, and teachings from UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENT SPACE as we had worked on extensively...

...luckily, I knew enough at that moment to do the NEXT RIGHT THING...

And that was to...

Merge Science and Spirituality to Simply and Easily Manifest...

With this Scientific and Spiritual partnership of the BRAIN and SOUL, I realized that our greatest gift exists in the HIGHER FACULTY of our mind...


Imagination is not WISHING. It is using the POWER of visualization to insert 'goal slides' into your mind, so that you do not have room for negative thoughts, doubts, and stresses.
It is basically FILLING UP your thoughts and what you see in your mind throughout the day with what it is you DESIRE...

...rather than the images of things not working out—which is what most people do these days. 

It Kept Working!

The Magic Slide Deck™ isn't about a one time's about creating a LIFE of Love, Abundance, Joy, FREEDOM. All those things that happen when you have a consciousness of PROSPERITY.

This proven method is about being the ARCHITECT of YOUR LIFE in a way that brings way more of the good stuff without the stress and strain of wondering if anything will ever work out.

It is about YOU CREATING a powerful vision that attracts what you want in life— happiness, love, freedom, success, abundance.

This is ALL Possible for YOU...

...if I could create the business and life I wanted— I know YOU CAN TOO.

Anyone can who knows how to use the mind and heart together and understands energy, spirituality, and science.

There are so many OPPORTUNITIES out there right now, today— and I don't want you to miss out on seeing those.

See, when you are caught up in the 'noise of the world' or 'psychic smog', you will miss opportunities for more PROSPERITY that exist right in front of you. 

You might even miss out on a MIRACLE or two. 

I can't have that...

Today, you can get your own Magic Slide Deck™ for only $11. 

Regularly  $44 

75% OFF

Yep. That's correct. And it is limited because this is a class that can hold only so many humans in the Vision Board Room— so don't wait.  

Kisma, Your Prosperity Code™ Mentor

It was that night that changed heart was pounding, I tossed and turned. A surge or realization shot up my spine and into my awareness.

After years of studying ancient wisdom, energetic healing, mindset and coaching tools, I had a knowing so profound that it shook me to my core.

It was about the internal power we humans all have...

The power that exists in our mind, and expresses in our words. The energy that is embedded in our language and actions and manifests our external reality.

The truth that my anxiety and stress was caused by me. I was a high functioning stress ball. And I had had enough.

I went deeper into the studies and found that the more centered I was, the more I "Saw" my vision— I was able to manifest what I wanted without the pressure chamber that often goes along with success.

Join me for an elegant and profound Vision Board Experience unlike any other.  We will work with the laws of the universe and the science of your mind— the time tested formula for miracles. 

XO Kisma

Get your Magic Slide Deck™ NOW

Just ONE PAYMENT of $11

Regularly  $44 (75% OFF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I REALLY want to say yes to this but I can't make it to the class live. What are my options?

Answer: Not to worry... literally EVERYTHING will be recorded and available by replay located in your course dash board. You can watch and learn over and over and over!!

Question: I'm a visual learner. Will there be print materials available for me?

Answer: ABSOLUTELY! I've created a companion workbook full of reminders, graphics, exercises and reflection exercises so you can easily integrate what I'm teaching and learn according to your own style. Plus, you get my downloadable Magic Slide Deck for ease in creation.

Question: What happens if I purchase the Magic Slide Deck™ and I'm unhappy with it?

Answer: If after doing the work of creating your magic slide deck with the given instructions,  you are not satisfied, a prompt and respectful refund is available simply by sending an email to my fabulous Support Team within 7-days of your purchase at [email protected] with your request. But I'm planning on blowing your socks off, so be prepared!

Question: Will there be an opportunity to get my questions directly answered by Kisma ?

Answer: 100% YES! Simply post a comment with your question below the lesson in Illumination Academy™ and Kisma will answer directly. 

Every transformation in life starts with a decision... Will you get your Magic Slide Deck today?

It would be an honor to help you create the results in your life that you desire.  Self-Mastery. Freedom. Prosperity in ALL Ways.

Here Are Some Comments From People Who Have Worked with Kisma

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