How to Access the "Cheat Codes" to the Universe

The Most Important And Impactful Universal Laws At-A-Glance So That You Can Find Your Flow and Create Abundance No Matter What Life Brings Your Way

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, "How do they do it?" Everything seems to go their way, and even when it doesn't, it never gets them down. Always poised, confident, 'lucky.'

The difference between these people and those who constantly struggle is simple...

These people, like all successful people, know how to use the Laws of the Universe to their benefit. These are the laws of nature, and they apply as much to you and me as they do to anyone else. The only difference is whether we choose to work with these laws, or go against them.

And before your rebellious mind says "To heck with it, I'll figure it out myself," consider what you're going against- the literal forces of the universe and everything in it.

That's why life seems so hard sometimes. We fall out of sync with these Universal Laws and start to work against the natural flow of life , which is really just working against yourself and your own greater good.

The Universe Really DOES Have Your Back...

That's why I created these cheatsheets; because we all drift from our center from time to time, and the difference between a little hiccup and spiraling into stress and anxiety is how quickly we can get back on track.

The question isn't if we'll drift from center, or if things don't go our's when...

And when that happens, I guarantee there is a Law (or Laws) that will get you back on track. Whether you're struggling to keep up with the frantic pace of life, constantly working against the clock, or stressed about money, or feeling like no one is seeing or hearing you.

Whatever the case, these Universal Laws and the Mantras I designed to tap into them in an instant will shift your energy and your mindset quickly, so that you can get back to being your awesome Self.

Here's What You Get:

You'll Receive:

Concise list of Universal Laws and how to work with them every single day

9 Mantras for increased prosperity in all areas of your life

Journal Prompts to reveal your hidden gifts


No long-winded flowery explanations that over-complicate the issue. What you're getting is clear definitions that you can put into action in your life immediately.

Easy Access

Everything is delivered in a simple, one-click download that you can use on any device.

It's in a print-ready format so you can print a copy of this beautiful workbook to keep right on your desk, or wherever you need it most.

Life Changing

Every successful and joyful human understands that they need to work with the laws of the Universe rather than against them.

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"The Universe operates via a set of natural, spiritual, and scientific laws. 

When you know how to work with them, life is in flow, calm, and even successful.

But, when you work against these laws (as most people do today) life feels like a battle.

Leave the battle behind. Get your cheat sheet to the Universal Laws and create unimaginable prosperity."


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